In this conversation we are going to talk about Leprosy cured individuals, who despite being covered under RPWD act 2016, despite leprosy being a curable disease, still face stigma and ostracisation. We have with us Suresh Dhondge, who contracted leprosy when he was in class 10th. Today, he is the Amravati District Programme Officer of the Leprosy Mission Trust India in which capacity he travels a lot and helps settle people cured of leprosy in life. He has found settlements for over 1,000 such people. He has been awarded as a Role Model by the President of India on the World Disabled Day. #21Marching #PWDinclusion #Peoplewithdisability #Diversityandinclusion #makeadifference #respectandequalityforall #Conversationsthatmatter #Conversationsforchange