Women self-help group interest subvention programme to be rolled out in all districts of India, the FM says. One woman in every SHG to be made eligible for a loan of Rs 1 lakh.
This is a very welcome move. Not only will this go pan India, it will also enable women to start their own initiatives. This will lead to independence and empowerment. Good thought, will need tight on ground execution.
To start a new TV channel for startups under the Doordarshan umbrella. Channel to be managed by startups themselves, the FM says.
This seems to be an Indian version of Shark Tank (USA) or Gragon’s Den (UK), and both these formats have been successful in setting up and promoting startups. This is indeed a good idea and we can learn much from existing formats and replicate for faster execution.
Government proposes to streamline multiple labour laws into a set of four labour codes.
This will indeed simplify things from the regulatory and compliance perspective. However, might prove to be challenging as our entire labour machinery will need to unlearn and relearn. Learning from the recent changes in company’s act and GST implementation, giving clarity of the change, how to execute, milestones and timelines would be critical so that industries find the change smooth.
Under the Swachh Bharat scheme, 9.6 crore toilets have been built since october 2014. Propose to expand scheme to undertake solid waste management in villages.
I think waste management is yet not fully implemented in cities and metros. Also, Public toilets need to be maintained. Waste Management awareness, drive, and implementation and compliance to the last household, driving recycling of waste at homes would greatly help.
Government to focus on new-age skills including artificial intelligence, 3D printing, which also have a market outside India, to enable people to get jobs outside India.
New skills, upskilling is always welcome. I would request the government to also provide for education and skilling for employment of marginalised people like transgenders, differently abled, children who do not have access to basic education.