I have been conducting #leadership sessions and journeys for women for over 11 years now. From batches at FMCG companies, to healthcare, GCCs, financial sector, manufacturing and infrastructure setups, automotive, just about every sector. Every batch and every individual participant is special and unique. Their journey, how they view success, their challenges, their approach.
Over the years, I have also seen a significant shift in the mindset of participants, irrespective of industry. They are more aware about what they want, more vocal, more confident. However, sadly I do not see the same shift, or lets say shift at the same pace in their Managers and Leaders, who still continue to operate from a place of #assumptions and #biases. Often, they have trouble dealing with strong women with clarity of thought and no hesitation to speak up, labelling them as aggressive or too forward.
The second challenge I have seen is capability of HR teams on ground to handle tough conversations to drive a #cultureofinclusion and handle#microaggressions. So if we truly want the move to move on women inclusion across functions and levels, we need to take a holistic approach, and complement #womenLeadershipJourneys with #Managerialdevelopment and #DEIcapabilitybuilding for HR teams.
The smiles on faces of participants at an infrastructure client speaks volumes when inclusion initiatives are driven holistically!
Link – https://www.linkedin.com/posts/sonica-aron-she-her-hers-17499a1_leadership-assumptions-biases-activity-7265576815144902657-4Je_?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop