This Marching Sheep Survey is focused on a specific aspect of policies within organizations i.e. the relevance of the POSH Act and Policy in the new normal considering the emerging current realities that have surfaced.
With the onset of Covid-19, everyone is compelled to acknowledge that we cannot continue the way things were done before. As a part of the business community, society, and the larger ecosystem, the need to learn to adapt to the new normal has become a necessity. In Marching Sheep 1st pulse survey, it was found out the key competencies to survive the current pandemic. The 2nd pulse survey was focused on the priorities and policies that HR function should concentrate on to help organizations, as well as employees, navigate through the current crisis as we gradually exit the lockdown.
A continued effort to contribute & support the business recovery during these challenging times, we conducted our third pulse survey. This Marching Sheep Survey is focused on a specific aspect of policies within organizations i.e. the relevance of the POSH Act and Policy in the new normal considering the emerging current realities that have surfaced.
From 3rd pulse survey here are the top priorities for Organizations to look at while evaluating the relevance of the POSH Act and Policy while redesigning & reshaping their work culture and employee behavior.
1. Focus on Modifying Organization’s POSH Policy to meet the needs of remote/ virtual working: As the workforce continues to adapt to the changing needs of their work environment and undergo a dramatic shift in workplace dynamics, Organization’s should constantly relook and refresh their frameworks, practices, processes, and policies for workplace safety. Thus, an important aspect of workplace safety is POSH policy should be modified to meet the needs of remote/ virtual working. During Work from Home, the need for POSH training has become a pressing requirement as per the data indicated in our survey.
2. Redressal of domestic violence in the wake of remote working should be added to the POSH Act and Policy: Emerging dimensions of workplace conduct and safety are equally important. This period of lockdown has led to a staggering increase in domestic violence cases in India and globally. With social distancing in place, several people are unable to contact or seek help from their regular support system. Taking this into account Twitter India has also launched search prompts to help Domestic Violence survivors – “SheThePeople.” Thus, with the merging of the workplace and personal space, there is a need to keep the safety of employees under check. POSH is clear that the workplace covers both organized and unorganized sectors and includes any work-related offsite, get-togethers, any place that comes under the ambit of work-related relationships. Therefore, the need to safeguard the physical & mental safety of an employee within the new normal with a shift in the workspace, work safety must continue to be a top priority for companies as per data revealed from our survey.
3. Focus on LGBTQ related harassment should also be added to the POSH Policy in companies: While some companies have made the POSH policy gender-neutral, a need for POSH Act to be made into a gender-neutral act by law has also emerged.
This indicates the need for LGBTQ related harassment to be taken into consideration while reviewing the POSH Policy in our companies to ensure workplace safety is not a privilege limited to a few within the workforce.
4. Cyberbullying or harassment on the virtual platforms should be added in the current POSH Policies or Act: Need for HR Leaders to review complex scenarios under POSH Act has become a pressing need. We are connected virtually for long hours when it comes to work-life as lines between professional and personal space have blurred. Emerging challenges have also surfaced with virtual connectivity becoming a part of our everyday work that needs to be addressed. As per Gartner by 2030, demand for remote working will increase by 30% with “Gen Z” entering the workplace. Cyberbullying or harassment on virtual platforms is a pressing concern that should be addressed in the POSH policy.
5. Need for Code of conduct guidelines and Sensitization of managers on “not camera-ready” behavior: Major portion of our workforce continues to work from home, they operate in this work while interacting with colleagues and work teams. Therefore, a certain level of sensitization of managers and other employees on “not camera-ready” behavior, code of conduct and dress code for video conferences, virtual or video conference guidelines are required to be clearly stated and put in place to ensure expected level professional conduct amongst employees should be maintained.
6. POSH Training is required during Work from Home: It is critical for companies to conduct training and awareness sessions for employees across vertical within the Organisation, this should include the leadership, managers, employees, newly recruited staff and interns who are now getting on-boarded virtually, as the need to be sensitized to expected standards of professional behavior, redressal mechanism and clear implications of false and malicious complaints need to be taken into consideration with the assurance of swift action. The popular method for facilitating training sessions or activities across industries on POSH Policy and Act was Face to Face. However, with social distancing and virtual platforms, the effort to continue the need to sensitize employees across multiple locations should not be undermined. Utilization of virtual platforms have become an excellent mode of communication & learning with online training & webinars to support & address the training needs of employees in the organization