This Thursday, 2nd December, 5 pm, we are going to talk with Shloka Shankar, a poet, editor, publisher, and self-taught visual artist from Bangalore, India. She enjoys experimenting with Japanese short-forms and myriad found poetry techniques alike. A Best of the Net nominee and award-winning haiku poet, her poems and artwork have appeared in over 200 online and print venues of repute. Shloka was diagnosed with Muscular Dystrophy at the age of 9. Muscular Dystrophy (MD) is a group of neuromuscular genetic disorders that cause muscle weakness and overall loss of muscle mass. MD is a progressive condition; meaning that it gets worse with the passage of time. At present, there is no cure available for Muscular Dystrophy. #21Marching #marchingsheep #PWDinclusion #Peoplewithdisabilities #Inclusionmatters #Diversitymatters #Diversityandinclusion #Conversationsforchange #Conversationsthatmatter #respactandequalityforall #makeadifference