#Leader and #Power are gender-neutral terms and yet every time we speak of it, our mind invariably pictures a man. This is exactly why it is not ironic to recognize and celebrate women leaders while we speak equality.
Thrilled to share that standing alongside outstanding professionals from across Asia breaking stereotypes, MarchingSheep’s Founder and CEO, Sonica Aron (She/Her/Hers) has been bestowed with the ‘Asia’s 100 Women Power Leaders 2023’ award at a prestigious White Page International Leadership Conclave held at Dubai in September this year.
P.S. This is our founder’s second global recognition of the year 2023
More power to #womenleaders!
#womenpower #WomenPowerLeaders #Leadership #Equality #Makeadifference #Respectandequalityforall #ThoughtLeader #ChangeMaker #ChangeAgents
Link https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:7112278138172116992