We begin the month of February by launching our International Women’s Day Campaign. To build awareness and collective learning around this year’s theme ChoosetoChallenge, we will bring to thought-provoking conversations with strong women from different walks of life and diverse fields – Sonica AronKaushiki SrivastavaRiya DalviPooja JauhariIra SinghalBina PillaiMegha MukhijaTina Vinod (she/her), Apurva Purohit, Shauravi MalikRuchi Jain.

IWD came into existence to celebrate women’s achievements, raise awareness about women’s equality and accelerate gender parity.

We will be having interviews every Tuesdays and Thursdays from 6:30 to 7:00 pm till 8th March, streamed live on Marching Sheep’s Facebook, Twitter pages and YouTube channel.