When leaders are expected not only to drive business results but also to take care of their people, their own emotional intelligence and self-awareness are critical. The lack of it predisposes them to higher risk of emotional and mental burnout. And we all know what happens to us when we are experiencing a burnout and yet expected to deliver.
Are we taking care of our leaders? Are we equipping them with tools and knowledge to take care of themselves?
Our CEO and Founder, Sonica Aron (She/Her/Hers) shared her insights during 5th CHRO Vision & Innovation Summit & Awards 2023 held in Delhi recently.
Thank you team Transformance for this invitation, it was a great event on the theme CHROs Vision and Innovation to Build Humane and Empathetic Employee Employer Relationship.
#ThoughtLeader #ChangeMaker #ChangeAgent #MakingADifference #RespectForAll #Diversity #Equity #Inclusion #Belonging #DandI #diversityandinclusion #Empathy #Innovation

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