Huafrid Billimoria, a Motivational Speaker and social worker and a professional holistic coach.
His journey started with ADHD , Severe learning disabilities and later on followed by Dystonia.
Unfortunate bullying in his early years lead to struggle with clinical anxiety, ocd and depression.
He is also an athlete being the first person with Dystonia to swim 10 kilometres and run a full marathon in India to raise awareness so others don’t go through what he did.
Join us in a candid conversation with Huafrid.
#Diversitymatters #Inclusionmatters #Diversityandinclusion #PWDinclusion #Peoplewithdisability #Neurologicaldisorders #Dystonia #Conversations forchange #Conversationsthatmatter #Marchingsheep #21Marching #Makeadifference #respectandequalityforall