We are going to speak with Jayashree P Kunju, CEO of IBAS Global, a company providing coaching and training for global professional courses like CIMA UK, ACCA UK, IFRS, CMA USA and CPA USA etc, and providing consulting in financial strategy for companies in India and abroad. Having worked in both industry and in consulting, she brings with her over 30 years of experience in project implementation, financial consultancy, coaching and training. She is a member of board of IDEA – International Association for Integration, Dignity and Economic Advancement and Vice Chair of Lepra Society. Both these charities work for the cause of leprosy. Jayashree llives in Bangalore with her husband Jayant Gandhi, who is also her business partner at IBAS. She is a leprosy cured person, leading a successful professional and personal life. #21Marching #Marchingsheep #PWDinclusion #Diversityandinclusion #Conversationsforchange #Conversationsthatmatter #makeadifference #respectandequalityforall