It was an honour to be a part of the Panel discussion during the #Purplefest at Goa along with experts like Vineet Saraiwala Vivek Misra @M Sebastian. Our CEO & Founder Sonica Aron speaks at the #thoughtleadership event held on 10th January on the topic – “Technology in fostering Inclusion and Accessibility”. She spoke about accessibility of the future, role and importance of universal design, and why it is so critical in today’s times.
Sonica shed light on the 21 Marching- Building Disability Confident organisations, our report on 21 disabilities across 15 countries, backed by compelling data, where we engaged with people with all 21 disabilities, their caregivers, employers, NGOs and allies, discovering the challenges they face along with solutions they need. She shared some key findings that highlight the transformative power of tech in breaking barriers. She shared that there are ever more tools for different disabilities serving different needs. The key lies in customization and understanding diverse preferences. Instead of a one-size-fits-all approach, organizations need to ensure that their initiatives are flexible, accessible and accommodating.
Watch the video to know more about Sonica’s perspective – that innovation is a powerful force for creating a more inclusive world.
Partner with team MarchingSheep and start the conversation, with #21Marching – Building Disability Confident Organizations – A comprehensive Playbook | 21 Disabilities | 15 Countries. Dive into the data with us and explore the powerful insights.
#InclusionMatters #Accessibility #TechForGood #PurpleFestGoa #makeadifference #respectandequalityforall #representationmatters #diversitymatters #diversityequityandinclusion #reasonableadjustments #technology #universaldesign #evolvingtogether #continuouslearning #PWD #personswithdisabilities #PWDinclusion
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