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Panel Discussion- Disability does not mean Inability
On the occasion of International day of Persons with Disabilities on 3rd December, we bring to you another #virtualpaneldiscussion on the topic “Disability does not mean Inability” International Day of Persons with Disabilities has been promoted by the United Nations since 1992. The observance of the Day aims to promote an understanding
21 Marching- In Conversation with Shloka Shankar
This Thursday, 2nd December, 5 pm, we are going to talk with Shloka Shankar, a poet, editor, publisher, and self-taught visual artist from Bangalore, India. She enjoys experimenting with Japanese short-forms and myriad found poetry techniques alike. A Best of the Net nominee and award-winning haiku poet, her poems and
21 Marching- In conversation with Deepshikha Sharma
Today we have with us Deepshikha Sharma, Diagnosed with Dyslexia, at the age of 5 years. She is today a successful corporate professional, A Goodreads certified author and a motivational speaker who delivers guest lectures in schools and colleges on topics like Content writing, Digital Marketing, Soft skills, Management training,
21 Marching- In conversation with Chitrasen Sahu
Some are born with disabilities, some meet with accidents or illnesses that lead to disabilities. in this conversation, we shall speak with Chitrasen Sahu is a 28-year-old Civil Engineer from Balod, Chhattisgarh. He met with an accident at Bhatapara Railway Station, which resulted in double leg amputation. Chitrasen doesn’t bow
21 Marching- In conversation with Suresh Dhondge
In this conversation we are going to talk about Leprosy cured individuals, who despite being covered under RPWD act 2016, despite leprosy being a curable disease, still face stigma and ostracisation. We have with us Suresh Dhondge, who contracted leprosy when he was in class 10th. Today, he is the
Panel discussion on “International Best Practices” in association with Transformance Forums
Delighted to be a part of the panel discussion with #globalleaders on “International Best Practices” at the 3rd edition D & I Summit & Awards in association with Transformance Forums . Stay tuned for more updates! #virtualpaneldiscussion #Internationalbestpractices #Diversityandinclusion # conversationsforchange #conversationsthatmatter #respectandequalityforall #MarchingSheep
Marching Sheep presents 3rd Edition of D&I Summit & Awards in association with Transformance Forums
Presenting Sonica Aron- Founder & Managing Partner – Marching Sheep as chairperson at the 3rd edition of D&I Summit & Awards in association with Transformance Forums. #virtualpaneldiscussion #Diversityandinclusion # conversationsforchange #conversationsthatmatter #respectandequalityforall #MarchingSheep Please watch the complete video for some great insights and learnings.
Sonica Aron at D & I Summit & Awards in association with Transformance Forums
We have seen the discourse around #diversityequityandinclusion evolve over the last two years, and now with the virtual and hybrid working models, there are both barriers, challenges and opportunities to be explored. It was an honour for Sonica Aron- Founder & Managing Partner – Marching Sheep to be a part
21 Marching- In conversation with Alina Alam
In this conversations, we are going to talk about active #Allyship. And for that, we have with us Alina Alam, the founder of ‘Mitti Café’ which is a chain of cafes which trains and employs #peoplewithdisability. Their warriors with disability in this pandemic have cooked and served over 1.6 million
21 Marching- In Conversation with Korok Biswas
Down syndrome is a lifelong condition. Timely support early in life can help babies and children with Down syndrome to improve their physical and intellectual abilities. Most of these focus on helping children with Down syndrome develop to their full potential. These include speech, occupational, and physical therapy, and they
21 Marching- In Conversation with Vineet Saraiwala
According to the National Programme for Control of Blindness (NPCB), 12 million people in India are suffering from visual impairment, and out of this only 29.16 percent are part of the education system. A mere 6.86 percent of schools in India have access to Braille books and audio content. Employers
21 Marching- In conversation with Sumit Agarwal
Cerebral Palsy, one of the lesser known and understood disabilities, there are several myths around it. In this conversation with Sumit Agarwal, who was born with cerebral Palsy and 70% movement restriction, we will bust bust those myths. #21Marching #Marchinhsheep #PWDinclusion #Diversityequityandinclusion #Diversitymatters #Inclusionmatters #respectandequalityforall #Conversationsforchange #Conversationsthatmatter #Diversityandinclusion #Makeadifference